I opened my eyes and I felt more tired than usual;
I curled up in my bed again,
And stared at the photo frame placed exactly 60 degrees to the lamp on the side table.
Today, I’m watching the fan moving with the same pace;
The alarm clock I kept snoozing finally indicated,
I’ve got no time to waste.
I breathed in and breathed out;
And as I turned about,
I saw that photo frame again on the side table;
I put it down and got out of the bed,
My gait a little unstable.
I walked towards the balcony and realized
nothing gives me delight.
The sunlight and the divine smell of flower;
The things I loved talking about for hours,
As everything that once tasted sweet has now turned sour.
My eyes look a little smaller than before,
I often forget to wear the perfume I adore.
Now I don’t even care about my face turning so pale;
A little girl inside of me died who believed in fairy tales.
Beautiful evenings haunts me now;
The messy room that I often forget to clean,
fills the void inside somehow!
I sit on the floor and write myself letters to feed the soul some words that it is now falling short of,
Every night I create a pile of papers that I tear off.
In the dim light sitting by the side table I realized,
Seeing the photo frame above;
That maybe I’ve lost something,
Something called love.